How to Tackle Dissertation Writer's Block

From the film Stranger than Fiction, the character played by Emma Thompson sits facing her Selectric typewriter, stubbing out cigarette after cigarette in hopes of beating writer's block and completing her literary masterpiece (thereby deciding the fate of the film's protagonist and the main character in her book). While less dramatic or fate-deciding as Emma Thompson's writer's block, the best dissertation writer 's predicament is similar-words, sentences, and paragraphs simply refuse to stream from the mind to the webpage. Not Only an inability to compose but an inability to write clearly Emma Thompson's struggles suggests that writer's block is comparable to a bouncer refusing entrance of the most meager sentence or word at the club of imaginative expression. Really, the universal sign of writer's block is the blank page, mercilessly staring back in the tortured writer, imposing in its complete whiteness. But writer's block can take ...